Autoit3 Library – XMLDomWrapper (XML handelingen)
Met de XMLDomWrapper UDF voor Autoit3 kun je eenvoudig XML bestanden uitlezen en bewerken.
Functies (ENG)
_XMLCreateFile Creates an XML file with the given name and root.
_XMLFileOpen Creates an instance of an XML file.
_XMLSaveDoc Save the xml doc, use $iForce = 1 to force save if AutoSave is off.
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_XMLGetChildNodes Selects XML child Node(s) of an element based on XPath input from root node.
_XMLGetNodeCount Get node count for specified path and type.
_XMLGetPath Returns a nodes full path based on XPath input from root node.
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_XMLSelectNodes Selects XML Node(s) based on XPath input from root node.
_XMLGetField Get XML Field(s) based on XPath input from root node.
_XMLGetValue Get XML Field based on XPath input from root node.
_XMLGetChildText Selects XML child Node(s) of an element based on XPath input from root node.
_XMLUpdateField Update existing node(s) based on XPath specs.
_XMLReplaceChild Replaces a node with a new node.
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_XMLDeleteNode Delete specified XPath node.
_XMLDeleteAttr Delete attribute for specified XPath
_XMLDeleteAttrNode Delete attribute node for specified XPath
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_XMLGetAttrib Get XML attribute based on XPath input from root node.
_XMLGetAllAttrib Get all XML Field(s) attributes based on XPath input from root node.
_XMLGetAllAttribIndex Get all XML Field(s) attributes based on Xpathn and specific index.
_XMLSetAttrib Set XML Field(s) attributes based on XPath input from root node.
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_XMLCreateCDATA Create a CDATA SECTION node directly under root.
_XMLCreateComment Create a COMMENT node at specified path.
_XMLCreateAttrib Creates an attribute for the specified node.
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_XMLCreateRootChild Create node directly under root.
_XMLCreateRootNodeWAttr Create a child node under root node with attributes.
_XMLCreateChildNode Create a child node under the specified XPath Node.
_XMLCreateChildWAttr Create a child node under the specified XPath Node with Attributes.
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_XMLSchemaValidate Validate a document against a DTD.
_XMLGetDomVersion Returns the XSXML version currently in use.
_XMLError Sets or Gets XML error message generated by XML functions.
_XMLUDFVersion Returns the UDF Version number.
_XMLTransform Transfroms the document using built-in sheet or xsl file passed to function.
_XMLNodeExists Checks for the existence of the specified path.
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_XMLSetAutoFormat Turn auto indenting on or off.
_XMLSetAutoSave Set the automatic save to on or off.
[#/autoit3/libraries/xmldomwrapper” ]