Diskimage – CentOS (software)
CentOS (The Community Enterprise Operating System) is een Linuxdistributie voor serversystemen. CentOS is gebaseerd op Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). Red Hat levert met RHEL een commercieelbesturingssysteem voor professionele omgevingen, met bijbehorende ondersteuningscontracten. Omdat Red Hat RHEL onder de GPL moet uitbrengen, is de broncode eveneens beschikbaar. Daar maakt CentOS gebruik van om een vrije serverdistributie te publiceren. Verschillende andere distributies maken zelf weer gebruik van CentOS om specialistische Linuxservers te ontwikkelen. De huidige versie is 7-1503, uitgebracht op 31 maart 2015.[1] De aanduiding 1503 verwijst naar jaar en maand van de release.
Op 7 januari 2014 maakte Red Hat bekend dat het ging samenwerken met CentOS[2]. Hiermee kwam tevens het eigendomschap van de naam CentOS bij Red Hat te liggen dat tevens de distributie Fedora actief ondersteunt.
Meer informatie (ENG):
The CentOS Linux distribution is a stable, predictable, manageable and reproducible platform derived from the sources of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). We are now looking to expand on that by creating the resources needed by other communities to come together and be able to build on the CentOS Linux platform. And today we start the process by delivering a clear governance model, increased transparency and access. In the coming weeks we aim to publish our own roadmap that includes variants of the core CentOS Linux.
Since March 2004, CentOS Linux has been a community-supported distribution derived from sources freely provided to the public by Red Hat. As such, CentOS Linux aims to be functionally compatible with RHEL. We mainly change packages to remove upstream vendor branding and artwork. CentOS Linux is no-cost and free to redistribute.
CentOS Linux is developed by a small but growing team of core developers. In turn the core developers are supported by an active user community including system administrators, network administrators, managers, core Linux contributors, and Linux enthusiasts from around the world.
Over the coming year, the CentOS Project will expand its mission to establish CentOS Linux as a leading community platform for emerging open source technologies coming from other projects such as OpenStack. These technologies will be at the center of multiple variations of CentOS, as individual downloads or accessed from a custom installer. Read more about thevariants and Special Interest Groups that produce them.
The CentOS Project
The CentOS Project is a community-driven free software effort focused around the goal of providing a rich base platform for open source communities to build upon. We will provide a development framework for cloud providers, the hosting community, and scientific data processing, as a few examples. We work with several ‘upstream’ communities to help them layer and distribute their software more effectively on a platform they can rely on.
Download CentOS @ centos.org
Download CentOS @ mirror.nforce.com
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