Leesbare tekst in binair bestand – Strings (Windows)


Informatie (ENG)

Working on NT and Win2K means that executables and object files will many times have embedded UNICODE strings that you cannot easily see with a standard ASCII strings or grep programs. So we decided to roll our own. Strings just scans the file you pass it for UNICODE (or ASCII) strings of a default length of 3 or more UNICODE (or ASCII) characters. Note that it works under Windows 95 as well.

Using Strings

usage: strings [-a] [-f offset] [-b bytes] [-n length] [-o] [-q] [-s] [-u] <file or directory>

Strings takes wild-card expressions for file names, and additional command line parameters are defined as follows:

-a Ascii-only search (Unicode and Ascii is default)
-b Bytes of file to scan
-f File offset at which to start scanning.
-o Print offset in file string was located
-n Minimum string length (default is 3)
-q Quiet (no banner)
-s Recurse subdirectories

Voorbeeld commando om zo min mogelijk “ruis” te krijgen door te zoeken naar een tekenreeks van 8 karakters of hoger: strings.exe -n 8 main.bin


[#/software/strings” ]