Wachtwoord databanken

lock code

Hier vind je een aantal wachtwoord databanken voor wachtwoord herstel.

Bron: wiki.skullsecurity.org / blog.g0tmi1k.com / hqsoftwarecollection.blogspot.nl / securityxploit.blogger.de / www.outpost9.com / packetstormsecurity.com

Wachtwoord databanken:
John the Ripper / Simple, extremely good, designed to be modified
Cain & Abel / Fairly comprehensive, not ordered
Conficker worm / Used by conficker worm to spread — low quality
500 worst passwords
370 Banned Twitter passwords
WPA-PSK WORDLIST_argon-outher / 2008-10-06 / Full argon list (excluding Argonsilver1 & Argonsilver2 as full of shit) and formatted according and had all the dupes removed.
WPA-PSK WORDLIST_names / 2008-10-07 / A large list of male names, female names and surnames with and without numbers.
WPA-PSK WORDLIST_wpa / 2008-10-04 / Mixed with words, names, places, numbers & combos of such.
dictbig / Large word dictionary
norm&r / Same as dictbig + all entries reversed
oneup&r / Same as norm&r with first leter uppercase
allup&r / Same as norm&r except everything is uppercase
names / Very large list of names
ASSurnames / List of Sur Names
Congress / Congress Names & words
Dosref / Dos Refrence words
Family-Names / Family Names
Given-Names / List of Given Names
Jargon / List of words taken from the Jaron file
Unabr.dict / Words from Unabridged dictionary
actor-givenname / Actor’s given names
actor-surname / Actor Sur-Names
chinese / Chinese words
common-passwords / List of most common passwords
dic-0294 / Really BIG Dictionary list!
etc-hosts / Host names
female-names / List of female names
kjbible / List of words and names from the King James Bible
language-list / Language list
male-names / List of male names
other-names / Misc names
oz / Yes OZ
d8 / Very very good all around word list.
Moby Lexicon
palestine-wordlist / This was submitted anonymously as a Palestine wordlist for cracking purposes. It has proper names of middle eastern figures, cities, and more.
dict_arabicnames_male + female / This file contains two wordlists with both male and female Arabic names. Together there are over 1800 entries.
1984 / Wordlist taken from the book “1984” by George Orwell.

Wachtwoord databanken gelekt:
Rockyou / 2009-12 Best list available; huge, stolen unencrypted
phpbb / 2009-01 Ordered by commonness, Cracked from md5 by Brandon Enright (97%+ coverage)
MySpace / 2006-10 Captured via phishing
Hotmail / Unknown Isn’t clearly understood how these were stolen
Faithwriters / 2009-03 Religious passwords
Elitehacker / 2009-07 Part of zf05.txt
Hak5 / Elitehacker
alypaa / 2010-03 Finnish passwords
Facebook (Pastebay) / 2010-04 Found on Pastebay; appear to be malware-stolen.
Unknown porn site / 2010-08 Found on angelfire.com. No clue where they originated, but clearly porn site.
Ultimate Strip Club List / 2010-09
Facebook Phished / 2010-09
Carders.cc / 2010-05
Singles.org / 2010-10
M3G_THI_CTH_WORDLIST_CLEANED / 2012-12-31 Look Back on 2012’s Famous Password Hash Leaks

Diverse databanken:
English / My combination of a couple lists, from Andrew Orr, Brandon Enright, and Seth
German / Compiled by Brandon Enright
American cities / Generated by RSnake
Porno / World’s largest porno password collection! Created by MWeir
Honeynet / From a honeynet run by JGimer
File locations / Potential logfile locations (for LFI, etc).
Fuzzing strings / Thanks to Seth!
PHPMyAdmin locations / Potential PHPMyAdmin locations. Thanks to Seth!
Web extensions / Common extensions for Web files. Thanks to dirb!
Web mutations / Common ‘mutations’ for Web files. Thanks to dirb!

Wiktionairy databanken:
Website: http://dumps.wikimedia.org/[afkorting land]wiktionary/latest/

Voorbeeld: http://dumps.wikimedia.org/nlwiktionary/latest/
Download dan: [afkorting land]wiktionary-latest-all-titles-in-ns0.gz

anwiktionary-latest-all-titles-in-ns0 / 24-04-2015
arwiktionary-latest-all-titles-in-ns0 / 21-04-2015
bewiktionary-latest-all-titles-in-ns0 / 21-04-2015
bgwiktionary-latest-all-titles-in-ns0 / 07-04-2015
brwiktionary-latest-all-titles-in-ns0 / 20-04-2015
cawiktionary-latest-all-titles-in-ns0 / 12-04-2015
dewiktionary-latest-all-titles-in-ns0 / 07-04-2015
enwiktionary-latest-all-titles-in-ns0 / 13-04-2015
eswiktionary-latest-all-titles-in-ns0 / 21-04-2015
frwiktionary-latest-all-titles-in-ns0 / 13-04-2015
glwiktionary-latest-all-titles-in-ns0 / 08-04-2015
hrwiktionary-latest-all-titles-in-ns0 / 06-04-2015
huwiktionary-latest-all-titles-in-ns0 / 06-04-2015
idwiktionary-latest-all-titles-in-ns0 / 23-04-2015
itwiktionary-latest-all-titles-in-ns0 / 24-04-2015
nlwiktionary-latest-all-titles-in-ns0 / 25-04-2015
nowiktionary-latest-all-titles-in-ns0 / 08-04-2015
plwiktionary-latest-all-titles-in-ns0 / 05-04-2015
ptwiktionary-latest-all-titles-in-ns0 / 24-04-2015-
rowiktionary-latest-all-titles-in-ns0 / 24-04-2015
ruwiktionary-latest-all-titles-in-ns0 / 07-04-2015
trwiktionary-latest-all-titles-in-ns0 / 21-04-2015

Facebook naam databanken (bron):
Facebook-First initial last names / 2010-08
Facebook-First name last initial / 2010-08
Facebook-First names / 2010-08
Facebook-Last names / 2010-08
Facebook-names-unique / 2010-08

Extreme GPU Bruteforcer (bron):
Extreme_GPU_Bruteforcer_Mini / 2014-03-02
Extreme_GPU_Bruteforcer_Micro / 2014-03-02
Extreme_GPU_Bruteforcer_Found / 2014-07-22

Diverse databanken:
crackstation-human-only / 2010-09-06
CrackStation’s Password Cracking Dictionary
 / 15 GB wordlist containing dictionary words, leaked passwords, words from Wikipedia articles and Project Gutenberg books

[#/wachtwoorddatabank” ]