ESP8266 WiFi – Modbus TCP/IP Slave

Hardware: ESP8266 WiFi


Het is mogelijk om een Modbus TCP/IP Slave te maken met de ESP8266 chip op diverse platformen, hieronder een aantal voorbeelden.

Voorbeeld ZONDER bibliotheek


Info (ENG):

We performed numerous tests of the modbus library which used the Tinker library, with the result that certain applications that use delay’s affect communication, in that case we take the library and select the connection routines, master frame reading, frame creation, Reading and writing functions.

This routine created in Arduino IDE for ESP8266 performs master – slave communication without adding extra libraries, since the communication is done step by step.

The following addresses have been configured in the ESP8266 module:

  • 10 Holding Read Registers for display on the ESP8266 serial terminal.
  • 10 Holding Writing Registers in which we will send Random values to validate the changes in the Modbus Master (Simulator).
  • Additionally from Holding register [14] we will activate the 14 – pin GPIO (D5)

Algemeen voorbeeld uitlezen met Python op Raspberry Pi