Prusa i3 onderdeel – X-carriage

prusa i3 steel

Prusa i3

De X-carriage is het onderdeel dat de extruder en hot-end verplaatst op de X-as, een soort van basisplaat, dit is een 3D printmodel.

prusa i3 x-carriage

Er zijn al reeds verschillende uitvoeringen te vinden, zie hieronder.

Prusa i3 Rework

Dit is de orginele “vanilla” uitvoering van de X-carriage van de Prusa i3, geschikt voor de GT-2 belt.

Prusa i3 - X-carriage orgineel model

Prusa i3 - X-carriage orgineel

Bron @ Thingiverse

Prusa i3 Rework “Wade’s extruder”

Dit is de uitvoering van de orginele X-carriage van de Prusa i3 maar dan met extra gaten voor “Wade’s extruder”, geschikt voor de GT-2 belt.

Thingiverse commentaar:
This is a remix of the Prusa i3 Rework X-carriage by eMotion-Tech (thing #119616) to which I have added the standard 30mm apart holes for M3 screws and nut traps for a Wade’s extruder found in many Prusa i3 variants. So now this X-carriage accepts not only all the extruders designed for the Prusa i3 Rework, but also most of the extruders designed for other Prusa i3 variants.

I have actually verified that the four LM8UU linear bearings provide more stability vs. the usual three bearings in the standard Prusa i3 X-carriage. Also the carriage itself is very well designed, looks good, prints easily and the teeth for the GT2 belt are perfectly defined. I also like the fact that there is a small separator between the LM8UU bearings, so they don’t rub against each other.
I intend to use this new X-carriage with the P3Steel version 2.01 variant that I am assembling to achieve higher printing speeds.
OpenSCAD sources are included but need the X-CARRIAGE.stl file from eMotion-Tech to compile.

Printed in PLA with 40% infill. Requires 4 x LM8UU linear bearings and 8 x nylon ties. If using the Wade’s extruder holes, also requires 2 x M3 nuts which should be heated with a soldering iron and then pushed into the nut traps, as shown.

Prusa i3 - X-carriage met extra gaten voor Wade's extruder model

Prusa i3 - X-carriage met extra gaten voor Wade's extruder 01

Prusa i3 - X-carriage met extra gaten voor Wade's extruder 02

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