Screens: Thingiverse commentaar: It’s my Parametric Fixing angle with angle ajustable. if you like !!! Please !!! make it one and post it You can chose width, height, thickness, the number of screw vertical, the number of screw horizontal, screw …

3D ontwerp SCAD – Parametric Fixing angle adjustable Lees meer »

Screens: Thingiverse commentaar: This ‘s my parametric Fixing Table Leg. if you like !!! Please !!! make it one and post it You can chose Width and length Leg Width and length support Leg : cylinder or cube/rectangle Thickness wall …

3D ontwerp SCAD – Parametric Fixing Table Leg Lees meer »

Screens: Thingiverse commentaar: Generate your own nuts, bolts, washers and threaded rod by simply typing the required parameters into customizer. Great for replacing metal equivalents in many applications such as the ROLLER RING | Universal Filament Spool Holder Includes …

3D ontwerp SCAD – Nut, Bolt, Washer and Threaded Rod Factory Lees meer »