Printrboard pin overview Informatie (ENG): Hardware The Printrboard electronic set was designed by members of the Printrbot team in order to eliminate the production and functionality shortcomings of older RepRap electronics sets. Printrboard improves upon the previous production-grade electronics set …

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Bootloader?: Een bootloader is een computerprogramma dat zorgdraagt voor het starten van het besturingssysteem bij de opstart (bootstrap) van een computer, veel microcontrollers komen zonder bootloader erop gebrand, dat moeten eindgebruikers zelf doen. De Printrboard is uitgerust met een Atmel …

Hardware Bootloader – Printrboard Lees meer »

Informatie (ENG): RepRap Arduino Mega Pololu Shield, or RAMPS for short. It is designed to fit the entire electronics needed for a RepRap in one small package for low cost. RAMPS interfaces an Arduino Mega with the powerful Arduino MEGA …

Arduino MEGA Shield – RAMPS Lees meer »

Informatie (ENG): Hardware The Printrboard electronic set was designed by members of the Printrbot team in order to eliminate the production and functionality shortcomings of older RepRap electronics sets. Printrboard improves upon the previous production-grade electronics set (Gen6) by adding …

Mechanica Hardware – Printrboard Lees meer »

Bron/source @ Informatie (ENG): Sanguinololu is a low-cost all-in-one electronics solution for Reprap and other CNC devices. It features an onboard Sanguino clone using the ATMEGA644P though a ATMEGA1284 is easily dropped in. Its four axes are powered by …

Mechanica Hardware – Sanguinololu board Lees meer »